Cannelloni or Manicotti? The Debate, but in a Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

Time to read 5 min

Prep time

45 Mins

Cook time

1.5 Hours


6 pers

Cannelloni in a La Piazza Pizza Oven


Welcome to our culinary exploration where we dive into the heart of Italian cooking with a wood-fired pizza oven. Today, we're not just baking pizzas; we're resolving a delicious debate: cannelloni or manicotti? This isn't your typical Italian restaurant fare; it's a journey through Italy's culinary traditions, brought to life in the fiery belly of a pizza oven. So, don your chef's hat and ignite your passion for cooking as we embark on this gastronomic adventure.


The History and Charm of Pizza Ovens 

Pizza ovens, traditionally known as forno a legna in Italy, have a storied history. Originating in ancient times, these ovens have been a staple in Italian cooking, revered for their high temperatures and wood-fired flavor. The allure of pizza ovens isn't just in their cooking efficiency but in the rustic, smoky essence they impart to dishes.


Versatility of Pizza Ovens 

While pizza ovens are synonymous with baking pizzas, their utility extends far beyond. From roasting vegetables to baking bread and slow-cooking meats, these ovens are marvels of culinary versatility. The even distribution of heat and the ability to maintain high temperatures make them perfect for a variety of dishes, including our star contenders, cannelloni and manicotti.


The Great Debate: Cannelloni vs. Manicotti 

Cannelloni and manicotti, both beloved Italian dishes, often stir up a friendly culinary dispute. Cannelloni, typically a rolled pasta filled with meat or cheese, is a staple in Italian kitchens. Manicotti, its close cousin, usually features a crepe-like shell stuffed with similar fillings. Though they share similarities, aficionados argue passionately about their differences.


Crafting the Perfect Dish in a Pizza Oven 

Cooking cannelloni or manicotti in a pizza oven is an art. The key is to balance the oven's intense heat while ensuring the pasta cooks evenly. This involves preheating the oven to the ideal temperature, usually around 375°F, and carefully monitoring the dish as it bakes. The result? A beautifully browned, crispy exterior with a sumptuously melted, flavorful interior.


Recipe: Cannelloni/Manicotti in a Pizza Oven 


  • For the Pasta Sheets:
    • 2 cups all-purpose flour
    • 3 large eggs
    • Pinch of salt
  • For the Filling:
    • 1 1/2 cups ricotta cheese (as smooth as an Italian crooner's voice)
    • 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese (the more, the parm-ier)
    • 1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella (because, why not?)
    • 1 egg
    • 1/2 cup chopped fresh spinach (to pretend it's healthy)
    • Salt and pepper, to taste
    • A pinch of nutmeg (for that 'what’s this intriguing flavor?' moment)
  • For the Sauce:
    • 2 cups tomato sauce (as rich as an Italian nonna's Sunday gravy)
    • 1 clove garlic, minced
    • Salt, pepper, and Italian herbs to taste


Preparing the Dish

  1. Make the Pasta Dough: Mix flour, eggs, and a pinch of salt. Knead until you have a smooth dough, like a well-oiled Vespa. Let it rest for 30 minutes - it's been working hard.
  2. Roll the Dough: Roll it thin enough to see your future Italian vacation through it.
  3. Cut and Boil: Cut into rectangles (cannelloni) or circles (manicotti, if you're feeling rebellious). Boil until they're just flexible, like a gymnast.

Filling and Assembly

  1. Mix the Filling: Combine ricotta, Parmesan, mozzarella, egg, spinach, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. This mixture should be as smooth as a gondolier's serenade.
  2. Fill 'Em Up: Spoon or pipe the filling into the pasta. Call them cannelloni or manicotti as you do so, just to stir the pot!
  3. Sauce It Up: Spread some tomato sauce in the bottom of a baking dish. Arrange your filled pasta over it, like sunbathers on the Amalfi coast.

Cooking in the La Piazza Oven

  1. Heat the Oven: Preheat your La Piazza oven to a fiery 375°F (190°C). It's hot like an Italian summer!
  2. Bake the Dish: Place your dish in the oven. Bake for about 25-30 minutes, or until it's as golden as the Tuscany sun.

Final Touches

  • Serve: Let it rest for a few minutes (like a siesta). Serve with a sprinkle of humor and an extra grating of Parmesan.



Using a Pizza Oven: Tips and Tricks

Mastering the art of cooking with a pizza oven is a journey that combines skill, patience, and a touch of culinary intuition. Here are some essential tips and tricks to help you harness the full potential of your pizza oven:


Understanding Your Pizza Oven

  • Temperature Mastery: Pizza ovens are renowned for their high heat capabilities. Learning to regulate and maintain the right temperature is crucial. Use an oven thermometer to gauge the interior temperature accurately.
  • Heat Zones: Familiarize yourself with the different heat zones within your pizza oven. The area closest to the fire is hotter, ideal for quick-cooking foods, while farther away offers a cooler zone for slower cooking.
  • Fuel Quality: The type of wood you use matters. Hardwoods like oak, maple, or ash burn longer and provide a consistent heat, imparting a subtle smoky flavor to your dishes.

Preparation and Cooking

  • Preheating is Key: Always allow sufficient time for your pizza oven to preheat. This could take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the oven and the desired cooking temperature.
  • Even Cooking: Rotate your dish occasionally to ensure even cooking. The unique heat distribution in a pizza oven can cause one side to cook faster than the other.
  • Smoke and Airflow: Monitor the smoke and airflow. Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining temperature and ensuring a clean, smoky flavor.

Safety and Maintenance

  • Heat-Resistant Gear: Equip yourself with heat-resistant gloves and long-handled tools to safely manage your cooking and avoid burns.
  • Regular Cleaning: Keep your pizza oven clean. Regularly remove ash and food residues to maintain efficiency and food safety.
  • Oven Insulation: Ensure your pizza oven is well insulated. This not only improves cooking efficiency but also extends the lifespan of the oven.

Patience and Practice

  • Learning Curve: Every pizza oven has its quirks. Spend time practicing with different dishes to understand how your specific oven behaves.
  • Patience Pays Off: Allow your food the time it needs to cook. Rushing the process can lead to unevenly cooked meals.
  • Experiment and Enjoy: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different recipes and cooking techniques. The versatility of a pizza oven is one of its greatest joys.

By following these tips, you'll not only master the technical aspects of using a pizza oven but also develop an intuitive feel for this traditional cooking method. Whether you're preparing a simple pizza, a complex roast, or our featured cannelloni/manicotti dish, these insights will help you achieve culinary perfection.


Conclusion: Uniting Over Flavor

In the end, whether you're a fan of cannelloni or manicotti, it's the joy of cooking and eating that brings us together. This recipe, perfected in a pizza oven, symbolizes not just a culinary triumph but a celebration of Italian heritage and the timeless appeal of wood-fired cooking.